Friday, August 30, 2019

My Statistics

Manuera and I asked our friends about their favourite cars.
We found out that most people liked Skyline cars.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Going to the famliy reunion.

Family Reunion

On the weekend me and my nana went to a family reunion
across the water from Rawene. We went to Kohukohu marae.
We had a long drive. When I got there I saw my cousins. We
started to play rugby. There were heaps of whanau. We had
good fun playing. We were playing at night. We played spot
light. It was pitch black. We couldn't see properly. It was really
hard to hide but they didn’t find me and I was the last to get
found. When we finished we had boil up at the marae. After
dinner we were waiting for my dad to come. When he came
he had a new harley davidson. It looked cool. I had great fun.
Then we went back in to the marae. We were playing cool

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Hunting with Dad

Hunting with Dad
On Saturday me and dad went hunting in Awarua. 
I was excited. 
I couldn’t wait  to go shooting birds but I was tired when we walked so far into the bush. When we got to the bush my dad shot a bird. After his turn it was my turn. I nearly got it. I missed it. I was disappointed.  It was muddy. There were heaps of wild pigs. It was raining. There was thunder. 
I felt scared. We made our tent up and we went in the tent to wait for the rain to stop.