Friday, April 5, 2019

My 2019 Learning Wall.

Here is my awesome learning wall. It tells me what level it tells me what level I should be on for reading writting and maths and tells me what level I am on
Made with Padlet

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Recount Writing-On Sunday.

I am learning to add my thoughts and feelings in my writing.
On Sunday night me and my Aunty and my uncle
went to get fish and chips from town at Suncity.
Then we went back to my nana's house to have a kai.
The kai was yum. The fish was nice and the batter was crunchy.
After that we had a rest.
Next  we made  cup cakes.
The best thing was baking cupcakes with my aunty.
It was fun. We put the cupcakes in the oven.
While we waited for them to bake we made the icing.
It was buttery icing.  When the cupcakes came
out of the oven we had some. They were yummy.
Aunty did not have some because she was asleep.
I tried to wake her up but she didn't want some cup cakes.  
I had two. There was chocolate inside it. I love chocolate.
The cupcake was  like caramel. It was melted chocolate.
It was so yummy.